HGCS participates in the National School Lunch Program. Applications for free or reduced-price meals are included in the first day packets to all families and can also be obtained on the HGCS website and in the main office. All families are encouraged to complete the application form in order to include as many eligible students as possible. Completed application forms can be returned to the main office. HGCS will provide each student who meets federal eligibility criteria for free and reduced-price meals with at least one free or reduced-price, nutritionally adequate meal per school day.
HGCS also maintains a School Wellness Policy pursuant to state and federal requirements. A copy of the complete Policy is available upon request at the main office.
Please provide your child with a reusable/refillable water bottle that they can use every day. No food or drink should be transported in a glass container, and no other beverages should be provided (Gatorade, sugared drinks, etc.) Please inform the office if your child has any food allergies or special needs.